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Alex Hook Krioutchov

Alex Hook Krioutchov

Alex Hook Krioutchkov was born in Russia in 1966. Recieved Academical Art education in Russia and UK. From 1993 -- lives in London, from 1997 - is a member of the Federation of British Artists (FBA).

The extensive Art training, work experience as a Painter, Illustrator, Graphic Designer, allowed him to explore himself, to learn how to see in his own way, to create his style. From 2000 --he lives and works in Mallorca, Spain. Travelling and painting experience in the countries of ancient civilisations like India, Nepal, Egypt, Turkey, approaching to their colourful exotic cultures enspired the Artist for the number of "oriental" canvases.

Alex Hook’s paintings have been exhibited frequently in Spain, England, and the USA.

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